Let Me Introduce About Myself

 Hi Assalamualaikum everyone!

    My name is Muhammad Nabil bin Mohd Rahmad. I am 20 years old and currently study degree in Business Administration in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. I born and live in Johor Bahru, a state in southern Malaysia that famous with football club called JDT. I was born and raised by my beautiful mother and my handsome father. I also have 5 siblings and I'm the 2nd child of my siblings. Both my parents loved their children so much like diamonds and gems, caressed and poured with endless love. I love my family so much more than anything. They always support me and give me a lot of motivation to me. My family are the sun, moon, star and heaven to me.

    I started my school at the age of 5 at Tadika Merpati until 6 years old.  Then, at the age of 7 to 12, I went to primary school at Sekolah Kebangsaan Pasir Gudang 4. Then after completing UPSR, I went to secondary school at SMK Pasir Gudang. After graduating from SPM, I continued my studies in form 6 at SMK Pasir Gudang 2. Finally, and now I am continuing my studies at the degree level at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. I enjoyed my journey as a student until now. Everyday I get a new knowledge and experience. I think when I'm getting old later I will miss my life as a student. I don't know why but most people said when you getting older and when you already have a job and commitment, you will miss school life. But, hopefully I will be happy forever and  wherever I go and have a fun life. 

    Next, I want to share about my hobbies or what I do when I have a free time. So basically what I love to do when I have free time is I will go outing with my family or friends to release my mind. For example, we will go watching a movies, eating, and going for holiday. Sometimes I spend my free time with doing outdoor activities like hiking, jogging and playing badminton with my friends. I am also lover of nature. When I see a sky, moon, star, rain, cloud or even flowers, I feel very calm and peaceful. I love to be around them and I'm always spend my time watching them to release my mind.   

This view from Bukit Tiz, Seri Alam. This is the place that I usually go for hiking

    Last but not least, I want to share with you guys things that I always want to learn. First, I really want to learn sky diving and scuba diving. This is because I really love adventurous activities and I really love nature. So I want to challenge myself to experience these activities and to feel how fun these activities and also to see how beautiful of world that made by god. Second, I really want to learn about photography. I love taking a picture but I don't know the skills and the correct way to take a photo. So, if I have a chance, I really want to take the opportunity to learn the skills of photography to make my Instagram feed look very cool hehe. 


Here I include video of skydiving that I really want to learn. This video credit to XDubai from Youtube.

    Okay that's all for my first blog. I hope you guys enjoy my story and hopefully you guys get something good value from my story and also hope you guys happy and cheerful. Alright, bye see you guys on the next blog. Assalamualaikum.
